What is gangrene? 

Gangrene is the necrosis of tissue with superadded putrifaction.

Classify or types of gangrene

  1. Dry gangrene
  2. Moist gangrene.
  3. Gas gangrene.
What is the Common sites of gangrene??
  1. Diatal parts of limbs
  2. Appendix
  3. Small intestine.
  4. Gallbladder
  5. Pancreas.
  6. Lungs.
  7. Cervix of uterus.
  8. Testis.
What is the causes of gangrene?? 

  1. Due to arterial obateuction:
  • Thrombosis.
  • Embolus.
  • Arteritis
     2. Infective causes:
  • Abscess
  • Boil
  • Carbuncle.
  • Gas gangrene.
  • Gangrene of scrotum.
     3. Traumatic causes:
  • Crushes.
  • Presaure sores.
     4. Physical causes :
  • Burn
  • Scald.
  • Frostbite.
  • Chemicals.
  • Irradiation.
  • Electricity.
      5. Venous obstruction : may lead to     venous gangrene.

What is the cardial signs of gangrene?? 

  1. Changes of colour from purple to black.
  2. Lack of arterial pulse.
  3. Lack of temperature.
  4. Loss of sensation.
  5. Loss of function.
What are the causes of black colouration of gangrenous part?? 
  1. Breakdown of tissue protein by bacteria liberates, such as H2S ( Hydrogen Sulphaid gass). 
  2. Breakdown of haemoglobin liberates, auch as Fe ( iron). 
  3. Fe + H2S —> FeS which is reaponaible for black colouration of gangrenous part. 
What are the characteristics  of dry gangrene
  1. The gangrenous part becomes black, cold,dry & shriveled.
  2. It occurs due to occlusion of arterial supply.
  3. Smell ( odour)  usually not present. 
  4. Spread of gangrene is slow. 
  5. Putefaction is slow. 
  6. Line of demarcation is present. 
  7. Secondary bacterial infections is absent.
  8. Blebs or crepitation is absent. 
  9. It usually occur in the distal part of extrimity.
  10. Prognoais usually not fatal.
What are the characteristics  of moist gangrene?? 
  1. The gangrenous part becomes moist,swollen & reddiah black.
  2. It occurs sue to occlusion of both artwrial supply  & venous drainages. 
  3. Smell always present. 
  4. Spread of gangrene is very rapid.
  5. Petrifaction  is very rapid.
  6. Line of demarcation is absent.
  7. Secondary bacterial infection is present.
  8. Blebs or crepitation is present.
  9. It uaually occurs in the  internal organ.
  10. Progonosis usually fatal.

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