
 đŸ”–.What is Albuminuria? 

 đŸ”–. Or, Define Albuminuria. 

 đŸ”–.Causes Of Albuminuria.

 đŸ”–.Albumin examine in urine. 

 đŸ”–. Requiredment of Albuminuria.

 đŸ”–. Procedure of Albuminuria. 

 đŸ”–. Observation of Albuminuria. 



Presence of albumin in uria is called albuminuria.


Causes of Albuminuria

1.Acute glomerulo nephritis (AGN).

2.Renal tuberculosis.

3.Diabaties mellitis.

4.Congestive cardiac failure (CCF).


 Albumin examine in urine 

Method : Heat coagulate method.

Principale : The test is based on the principale of heat coagulations and pricipation by albumin in urine  of 5 % acidic acid.  

Requiredment of Albuminuria 

1.Test tube with holder. 

2.Spirit lamp. 

3.Fire box. 

4.Sample of fresh urine.

Procedure of Albuminuria 

1.Take the 2/3 of urine in a test tube. 

2.Heat the upper part of the test tube over on flame.

3.Observe the hazziness.

4.Then take 4 drops of 5% acidic acid. 

5.Re-heat the same area of test tube. 

6.Then observe the result.


 1.If hazziness are disapeared after both time of heating and apeared  albumin by 5% acidic acid —Albumin present.

2.If hazziness are disapeared after 1st time of heating and vanished by albumin —Excess of phosphate present.

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