
Go to Main point............ 

• What is Analgesics?

Or, Define Analgesics.

• Classification of Analgesics.

Or, Types of Analgesics.

If you dont understand text from below, You must watch video from below and Enjoy this video. I hope Everybody underatand me.This topic is taken  from medical Pharmacology books.It is not only for medical student but also every student of our World learn from it from our website. I hope every people of every country can understand  Analgesics. It is not only for Bangladeshi Student. I gave a download link bellow the video.You can download it easily.If you dont understand it please write comment in the comment box.  So,Lets start..

Video Tutorial Of Analgesics

what is analgesics?

Drugs which relieve pain with or without affecting the level of consciousness are called analgesics

classify analgesics with example.

Classification of analgesics:

A. Narcotic / opioid analgesics:

1. According to efficacy:

a) High efficacy (for severe pain):


• Pethidine.



• Heroin (diamorphine).

• Methadone.


• Phenazocine.

•Buprenorphine etc.

b) Low efficacy (for mild & moderate pain):


• Dihydrocodeine.



•Loperamide etc.

2. According to sources: a) Natural opioids:


• Codeine

• Thebaine etc.

b) Semi-synthetic opioids:

• Oxymorphine.





•Heroin etc.

c) Synthetic opioids:










•Loperamide (used in diarrhoea) etc.

B. Non-narcotic / non-opioid analgesics: According to their anti-inflammatory action:

a) Drugs with analgesic & weak anti-inflammatory action:



b) Drugs with analgesic & mild to moderate anti-inflammatory action:





•Flufenamic acid.

•Mefenamic acid.

•Nabumetone etc.

c) Drugs with analgesic & strong anti-inflammatory action:









•Tenoxicam etc.

• Inaoproten.

•Flufenamic acid.

•Mefenamic acid.

•Nabumetone etc.

C. Other drugs that can be used as analgesics:

1. Carbamazepine.

2. Tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs). 

3. Local anaesthetics.

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