ESR ( Erytrhocyte Sedimentation Rate)
1.What Is ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)??
2.What is clinical use of ESR?
3. Mention the causes of high ESR?
4.Distribution of ESR.
Definition Of ESR:
When blood is mixed with suitable anticoagulent and is made to stand vertically red blood corpasol settle down to the bottom the rate at which this sedimentation of red blood cell take place is known as ESR(Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate).
Clinical Use Of ESR :
1. To See the progonosis of diseses.
2.To Assy the Condition of chronic Inflammatory disese.. Example :
a) Pulmonary Tuberclusis.
b) Pulmonary embolism.
c) MI (Miocardial Infraction).
d) Coronary Thrombosis.
e) Rheumatic arthrititis.
f) Carcinoma.
3) To see the therapeutics effect of drugs.
Mention The causes of high EsR :
° Multiple Myolema.
° Chronic inflammatory diseases.
° Haemorage.
° Malignancy.
° Pragnency.
° Pulmonary Tuberclusis.
° Pulmonary Embolism.
° Miocardial Infraction (MI..
° Coronary thrombosis.
° Rheumatic Arthritis.
° Carcinoma.
Method Of ESR :
There is Two method In ESR. They are...
• Westergreen Method
• Wintrobe Metho..
Materials Required of ESR :
° Westergreen ESR tube and Stand.
° Series with neddle.
° Sterile cotton.
° 70% alchol
° Contine.
° 3.8% Sodium Citrate Solution
Procedure :
° Take 0.4 ml reagent in a test tube.
° Draw venous blood and add 1.6 ml of blood in the test tube and mix throughly.
° Drwa mixed blood in the westergreen tube by aucking by the suction device up to the mark '0'.
° Place the tube in the rack in vertical position with the '0' mark above.
° Take the reading after 1 hour by nothing down the level of lower end of the clean plasma.
° The result is expresed as :
Male : 0-8 mm
Female : 0-12 mm in 1st hou..
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